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Devil's Backbone Plant - Pedilanthus - Red Bird Zig Zag Cactus - 4" Pot

Sold by Hirt's Gardens

Devil's Backbone Plant - Pedilanthus - Red Bird Zig Zag Cactus - 4


Devil's Backbone Plant - Pedilanthus - Red Bird Zig Zag Cactus - 4" Pot

Sold by Hirt's Gardens

Regular: $19.99


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Devils Backbone is a moist shrub with zigzagged stems native to dry tropical forests of Florida, Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America, and northern South America. Pedilanthus flowers, variously described as shaped like slippers, red birds, ducks, or...
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SKU: Folierat3308

Devil's Backbone Plant - Pedilanthus - Red Bird Zig Zag Cactus - 4" Pot

Devils Backbone is a moist shrub with zigzagged stems native to dry tropical forests of Florida, Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America, and northern South America. Pedilanthus flowers, variously described as shaped like slippers, red birds, ducks, or even cow skulls, are only open at the tip. Pedilanthus, literally slipper flower are members of the Euphorbiaceous, but the 15 or so species are unique enough to have their own branch or the family. This subtropical succulent is a distant relative of the well-known Christmas poinsettia. The plant grows from a few inches to 3 or 4 feet tall and 2 to 3 feet wide. It has 1 to 3 inch long leaves. The variegated form takes on this pinkish tint during cooler weather. It will grow outdoors in hot, humid regions. Indoors, you'd want to give this Central American member of the Euphorbia plant family really bright light and warm conditions. Water when dry.Also know as Red Bird Cactus, Christmas Candle and Japanese Poinsettia. Proper name: Pedilanthus tithymaloides variegated. Prefers morning sun or very bright, indirect light. Water when dry. Makes a great indoor house plant

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