Product Information
Living Healthy Products UFO-001-01 Travel Neck Pillow
You do not have to suffer from neck pain while traveling. If longcar, train or airplane rides are a pain in you neck then you need thecomfort and support of a neck pillow that allows you to rest ascomfortably while you travel as you do at home. The unique horseshoeshape of this travel pillow cradles you in comfort and relievespressure, prevents a stiff neck and alleviates soreness while traveling.This memory foam pillow makes traveling by plane, train or car moreenjoyable by providing you with the proper orthopedic neck support youdeserve. The orthopedic memory foam conforms to the shape of your neckand head as it reacts to your body heat. If you have ever suffered fromwhiplash, you know that the neck pain from a whiplash injury can beunbearable and by using, the Traveler Neck Pillow while traveling orrelaxing you will feel the difference.This pillow is not only great for traveling but it also helps tosupport your neck and eliminate neck pain any time and anywhere. Avidreaders will love using this cervical pillow as a reading pillow. Itfully supports your neck while relaxing in your easy chair curled upwith a good book or while lying down easing tension and reducing neckand shoulder pain. This contour pillow travels well, it is lightweight,easy to pack and small enough for you to take with you everywhere yougo.Do you suffer from neck pain while traveling Long car or trainrides or long airplane trips can be a pain in the neck unless you havethe comfort and support of a neck pillow that allows you to rest ascomfortably while you travel as you do at home. The unique horseshoeshape of this travel pillow cradles you in comfort and relievespressure, prevents a stiff neck and alleviates soreness whiletraveling. This memory foam pillow makes traveling by plane, train orcar more enjoyable by providing you with the proper orthopedic necksupport you deserve.This contour pillow travels well, it is lightweight, easy to pack andsmall enough for you to take with you everywhere you go. The cover canbe removed for washing or replacing with additional travel pillowcovers (sold separately) so you can change your the look of your travelpillow as often as you change your travel planes. It is a wonderfulgift for all occasions: Mothers Day, Fathers Day, Graduation, Birthdaysand more. Frequent traveler, business people, office workers, drivers,students, reading lovers; just about everyone love this pillow.Why this pillow worksThe orthopedic memory foam conforms to the shape of your head andneck as it responds to your body heat. If you have ever suffered fromwhiplash, you know that the neck pain from a whiplash injury can beunbearable. This pillow is not only great for traveling but it alsohelps to support your neck and eliminate neck pain any time andanywhere. Avid readers will love using this cervical pillow as areading pillow; it fully supports your neck while relaxing in your easychair curled up with a good book or while lying down easing tension andreducing neck and shoulder pain.Dimensions: 19 x 14 x 3.Height: 12.
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